12 May 2021

The Geopolitics of Hydrogen: Trends and Challenges of the Energy System Transition

Hydrogen has been identified as one of the sources that could facilitate the decarbonisation due to its ability to store and supply large quantities of energy without creating CO2 emissions during combustion. In particular, hydrogen can play a decisive role in the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries, including the air and maritime transport sectors as well as […]

Hydrogen has been identified as one of the sources that could facilitate the decarbonisation due to its ability to store and supply large quantities of energy without creating CO2 emissions during combustion. In particular, hydrogen can play a decisive role in the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries, including the air and maritime transport sectors as well as the steel and chemicals industries. Some experts see hydrogen as destined to represent a large share of the global energy mix of the future, while others are more cautious. What is certain, however, is that the growing use of this energy vector will have profound geopolitical implications across the world, with the potential of re-drawing the energy, economic, social and security relations maps.


Will hydrogen become a large share of the energy mix of the future? How will hydrogen change geopolitical relations? Which actors will come out of this transition as the winners, and which ones as the losers?


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